Tuesday 8 April 2014

Which money transfer method is a relatively simpler alternative?

In today’s world, everyone is responsible enough to carry cash on themselves. Millennials have grown to become a smart bunch of citizens that know to take the best advantage of the technology and the available supplies. But somehow, it is different when we talk about money that pertains to a different time zone or perhaps, a different country. 

People can have control only on a certain number of things and the fluctuating foreign currency rates that gets reflected on the money transfer rate and value, is certainly not one of them.

In such cases, online money transfer acts up to be the best available option if a person has to send money across a different country. Not only do traders, merchants, businessmen need money transfer service but also those who have a family living in foreign lands.

Everyone who have a relation tied up abroad can use or find the power of money transfer, potentially useful. But even money transfer has limitations that cannot be overlooked if we are to straw out the best alternative method.

If you talk to a service provider or your bank official that can readily provide you with money transfer services, but they come with suggested government limitations. They offer you decent services and aid but on a very high cost that often involve faulty foreign exchange rates. So, that is out. Another form of reliable money transfer technique is the online money transfer. Online method of transferring money is fast, effective and hit all the right spots when it comes to delivery.

However, there is a ‘but’ to it... Which is, online money transfers often requires you to add your confidential details in an online database where it lies susceptible to data theft and cyber crime attacks. Because no matter how rigid the protocols are and how secured the transaction process, once any kind of information is added to the virtual world, it stays there forever.

So, what is the best known money transfer method left to man that doesn’t compromise on the service requirement nor does pose any potential threat in the future? Well, there is another alternative that is often overlooked by many when considering to opt for a reliable money transfer method. And that is, cash cards!

Cash cards are a great example of secured money transaction that has been accepted and used by the entire world since they got introduced. Cash cards give the user the power of making cashless transactions that can be triggered from an electronic portal, either from an ATM machine or from a dedicated service provider’s transfer portal.

You don’t have to fear about any security threat nor have to worry about any inconvenience because of their mobility and wide acceptability. If I was to suggest a reliable, robust and safe money transfer method for the general public, I would recommend rechargeable cash cards.

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